
introduction // a quick hello

Road trips are my savior. They are my release from the daily grind. They allow me to escape.  Open roads are a cure from all the taxing, mundane daily rituals of work. 40 hours a week (every week) can really take a toll on you. To escape from it all is the absolute best feeling. Your freedom resets. You have no daily schedules. No strict 15 minute breaks or one hour lunches. It is only you and your time. Oh man, just thinking about it has me itching for adventure. I am lucky enough to be able to spend these trips with my best friend and love of my life. I have a tendency to get caught up with the stress of making money and drama of the work environment. I am fortunate enough to have a partner in crime who witnesses this and knows it's time to escape. It also helps that he is an amazing photographer. He is a lover of all things film (an old soul at heart). When we get back from our little vacations, he takes his rolls of films to the lab and we then wait patiently to pick them back up. That is the beauty of film. You get to relive every second of your travels when you get those photos developed. Not every thing should be instant gratitude. Sometimes with digital photography you take the photos and are completely concerned about what is now on your screen. That scenery is still there in front of your face in real time! So this is what 30 Miles to Empty is about. It is about the looking back on adventures, and inspiring the next one.

All the photos are taken by Eric Warner, and I (Lauren) contribute all the words. Please enjoy our small family's journeys, and feel free to escape with us through the images!

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