
for the love of xpan

Holy Panoramic Photos! These are some of my most favorite images taken by Eric. Being able to visually communicate every thing you saw is something really special. The whole story is told to you, and it leaves you wanting more. Here are a few that he snapped on some of our adventures. ENJOY!

All photos by Eric Warner, on his Hasselblad xPan.


megan robinson // central america

I was lucky enough to backpack through Central America with one of my best friends for 3 months this last winter.
We bussed through 8 countries, making stops in 6 of them, sometimes for weeks, sometimes for days. Along with the 18 hour bus journeys came the glory that are 3rd world country charms..."chicken" buses packed to the brims, the occasional pick pocket, heat exhaustion, food poisoning, sunburns, sweaty backpacks, "bathrooms" aka holes in the ground, a major lack of toilet seat covers, getting kicked off said chicken buses due to lack of buying the proper ticket, missing connections, get dumped out of public transport at 3 am in a terrifying, unknown, dark, dirty city...

However, all of this was temporary.
On a lucky bus ride, uncrowded, with the sun on my face, I beamed through the dirty glass window of the refurbished 70's school bus that was responsible for my life, and I can't help but smile. I am in awe of the Guatemalan countryside to the right of me. I love the chickens scattered around my feet and the fact that Selena is blasting on the stereo even though I just want to sleep. I love the $1 beans and rice meal from the comedor we stop at. I love jumping off cliffs into emerald water at a spot that can only be described as something that should be the 8th wonder of the world. I love the hammocks I sleep in place of beds, and am grateful for the power that comes on for 3 hours a day on a remote Nicaraguan tropical island. Waking up tangled in mosquito nets and smelling like a mixture of sunscreen, deet, and rum. The wild horses that roam the sunsets in Costa Rica and dancing at the nightclubs of Guatemala. The water so clear you'd swear it was glass. The sunrise over a mayan ruin that made my heart swell and my eyes wet.

Travel isn't always pretty, sometimes it breaks your heart. My point is - sometime you'll get kicked off a bus on a dirt road in mexico. Sometimes you'll get held at a Belizean border and pay your way into a country. You'll get ripped off.

But travel will also mend your heart. It will make you see the good in people. You will see that the people that have less, love more. That a simple life, is a better life. 


Guatemala - 
*Antigua. An adorable, cobblestoned colonial city with chic bars and cafes. Drink the mezcal at Cafe No Se and peak the volcano from the rooftop at Skybar.

*Semuc Chempay/Lanquin. This place blew my mind. All of our jaws dropped when we finally got there. Sit in the emerald pools and have little fish bite your toes, and spring for the tour, it's worth it. I won't divulge too much but it has to do with swimming in a cave by candlelight.  Also...rope swings!

Nicaragua - 
*Island Ometepe. An island formed by 2 volcanos in the middle of a freshwater Lake Nicaragua, this place is insane. It's a tropical island with lush vegetation. Monkeys are everywhere, fireflies light up the night sky, and wild horses and butterflies roam free. It was heaven.

Costa Rica
*Montezuma. A rad hippie town. Stay at the hostels on the beach, hang out at bonfires, smoke a doobie, check out the amazing market for all your fruit. The mango was so good in Costa Rica we wanted to actually bang it.

*Punta Uva. One of the more beautiful beaches I saw in my 3 months. crystal clear water surrounded by jungle where monkeys could be heard howling and swinging. Ride your bikes down the highway and understand why Costa Rica is so popular with travelers.

*Bocas Del Toro. I was a little skeptical at first, as I heard this was the "vegas" of central america...ew. However,there are about 5 islands and you can pick and choose as you please. I stayed on Bastimentos for almost 3 weeks and adored it. Take water taxis to other islands, hike through jungles to find deserted beaches, pick fresh guava from the trees. I stayed at Hostal Bastimentos and the owners were real gems. We became a family, made dinner every night, learned how to make coconut oil. It was wonderful.

*San Blas Islands - a must if you're in Panama. Only for 1 or 2 nights, as we could walk around our island in less than 5 minutes (island fever is real!) but it was amazing. So, so, beautiful. It's hard to describe in words. but just trust me.

*Panama City - a weird version of Miami. Casco Viejo is the best neighborhood.To beat the heat, we slummed the American Trade Hotel, a version of the ever so hip Ace Hotel in the US, and had cocktails and pretended to be fancy. Walk to the fish market from Casco and get what I think is the best ceviche in the world for $1.25. You will never find more fresh, more delicious ceviche, I promise.

All photos by Megan Robinson. Treat your eyeballs to some more of her photos right here


until next time // san francisco in color

This road trip was one for the books! Coastal California is a treat for your eyeballs, and Oregon was a pleasant surprise. We are already planning our next adventure... are you ready folks (drum roll please)... WYOMING!!! We have begun mapping our next stops, and researching the must sees. This country has some of the most beautiful natural wonders/amazing cities that our journeys are never ending. We can't wait to share our past and present adventures with you, as well as the voyages of many others. Stay along for the ride... because 30 Miles to Empty wants to help you escape from the daily mundane. 

All photos by Eric Warner on his Mamiya 7. 


beach day // bolinas ca

Let me recap our road trip thus far; San Francisco, Prairie Creek, Portland and then fishing in Douglas City. While on our fishing trip, we decided we were going to make our way back to San Francisco before heading back home to San Diego. When we made it back to our friend's home in the city he decided we should take a small trip up the coast through Marin County. The destination was a small beach town called Bolinas. We crossed over the Golden Gate Bridge and made our way over the rolling hills, then dropped back down into this adorable little beach community. The hills in Marin County have trails that seemed that they would last for days. I wouldn't mind getting lost on them, it was so peaceful and relaxing. The boys spent some time adventuring  through the tree tops, while I simply just sat there and took in every second of the beautiful scenery before me.  Bolinas Beach was equally as scenic as the hills that rest above it. Our beach day consisted of what every perfect beach day should contain; beers, friends, food, and surf. The homes that nestled this little town were absolutely gorgeous and I would love to rent one of them for an extended weekend getaway. If you are stuck in San Francisco for a few days and would like to escape the city life, do yourself a favor and treat yourself in Bolinas. 

All photos by Eric Warner on his Mamiya 7.


gone fishing // douglas city

The next stop on our road trippin' journey was Douglas City.  This tiny little town is nestled along the Trinity River and is a sought out destination for Fly Fishing. This time of year happened to be popular for Steelhead. Steelhead is Rainbow Trout that migrates to the ocean and then makes the long journey back to fresh water to spawn. Some of these fish can make a migration that is hundreds of miles, so these fish are big and these fish are strong. Eric is 100% in love with Fly Fishing! This is what makes him happy and this is what he loves to do.  It was only natural that we made a pit stop in Douglas City. A friend of Eric's told him of a hotel that caters to fishermen, so we booked a room there for a few nights. This hotel was completely affordable and located right on the river. When our days would come to an end we would grab some take out, adult beverages, and just sit on the riverside and take in the scenery. We even saw a few American Bald Eagles fly over head! These River Cities are slow, and slow in the best possible kind of way. You wake early in the morning and let the sun dictate your day. There is no digital service up in Douglas City so you have no excuse to take your eyes off the picturesque view directly in front of you. You just simply have to enjoy it. The Trinity is a beautiful river and I can not wait until we can go back and explore some more and live life in the slow lane. Simplicity is best and that can be easy to forget. I am thankful for places such as Douglas City that force your mind to stop with all the stress, and force you to live in the moment. 

Stay the night at Indian Creek Lodge.
Treat your stomach to some Chinese Food at Red Dragon
Stretch your legs and get your Fish on at Douglas City Campground

All photos provided by Eric Warner


lets get weird // portland, or

Portland was the destination that our Road Trip was inspired from. Our good friends recently had moved up there and we had been wanting to pay them a visit. I was absolutely, pleasantly surprised with what Portland has to offer. Yes, it is a gloomy destination but coming from San Diego we were perfectly ok with that. We never have seasons, so to experience rain (yes real rain people) was peaceful. The whole city embraces its weather, and that does not stop them from exploring. My most favorite part about Portland was the food. The food was delicious and cheap. Very, very cheap. Having just spent time in San Francisco (where everything cost an arm and a leg) it was a nice relief to experience food that was mind bending yet didn't break the bank. We had some of the locals in Portland tell us that summers are what dreams are made of, so we can not wait for our next visit during the warmer season. Hopefully next time we can get some more hiking in and explore what nature has to offer in this beautiful city.

Some places worthy of a stop if you are visiting the Portland Area:
-Just arrived to Portland and need to satisfy a grouchy stomach? Grab a quick bite at Porque No?.
-Need to grab some gifts for friends/family? Stop by The Meadow and try their delicious bitters.
-Grab some goodies for yourself at Animal Traffic.
-Get the best deal and best tasting dinner EVER at Bollywood Theater.
-Have a sweet/salty craving? Spoil yourself with some ice cream from Salt and Straw.
-Take a stroll in Laurelhurst Park.
-Order a S'more Stout at Base Camp Brewery.

All photos by Eric Warner on his Mamiya 7.  


prairie creek // black and white

As we continued our journey up the Northern Coast of California, we took a little break at Prairie Creek. This magical place was recommended by a friend, and after doing a little research we knew we had to stop. In this park some of the oldest Coastal California Redwoods reside. It rained the majority of our drive up to the trail, and we were slightly concerned of a down pour. As we arrived the rain let a little and we started our walk through this grove of giant trees. This hike at Prairie Creek is by far one of the most beautiful hikes I have ever been one. If you are driving up the California Coast we highly recommend stretching your legs here. If it is raining, don't let that deter you. The damp forest  gives the feeling that you are no longer in California and that you have escaped into unexplored territory. 

Photos by Eric Warner on his Mamiya 7.